Thursday, November 18, 2010

Lip Service to our Lord

Ugh, isn't it easy to say we are Christians on Sunday morning, when the birds are chirping and sky is blue?  When when the cash money is flowing in excess (ha) and children are magically calling you "Mummy" (suddenly in a charming British accent btw) and honoring you in front of the grocery clerk?

Also, what is this Mom "high" that I get all about?  Sick, it is such pride people!  Lord, Help me!  I can get such a rush from a TOTAL stranger complimenting my it's not just a 50/50 chance they didn't catch us in, what I like to call a "learning moment".  Are you like me?

I am sitting here in Luke 6:46, and Jesus asks a question that brings the heat this morning..."Why do you call me, 'Lord, Lord,' and do not do what I say?"  Which brings me to the all famous and widely quoted James 2:26b, "faith without deeds is dead."  Oh I pray we see this with new eyes today friends.

It occurs to me this morning, that all the time spent in communion with God, church going, bible study, community groups we can actually be...dead?  If we claim to call Jesus our "Lord" and don't do what He says, our faith is well...dead, dear ones.

There is true DEATH in worry, financial mis-trust of God, sin, criticism of the body of Christ...etc!  These are REAL things that plague our lives, our families, our marriages and the church!  If we call Him "Lord" we must live what Kay Aurthur calls the "rest of faith": living out of every, single Word, big and small, that comes out of the mouth of God!  That means to walk in FULL belief that he will "supply all of your needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus" Phil 4:19, and not allow emotions and ungodly choices to rule us when supply is low and demand is high.

Or what about what Jesus says in John 12:27, "Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid!" We get that awesome freedom, friends!  We do not have to live in fear if we know Him!  He is in control, now walk in your freedom! (whew, I needed to hear that)

How many of us live in lip service to our Lord?  Check out this definition of lip service," Verbal expression of agreement or allegiance, unsupported by real conviction or action."  ( We say we He is our Lord, yet many of live in fear, regret, jealousy and bitterness.  No wonder the church is loosing impact.  We have the King beckoning us, yet we go own way... and wonder where the change is.

We must do the "deed" of believing Him at every Word, otherwise we will surely seem as dead as those who really are.


  1. Jesus told his followers that there were two commandments.
    Two things that rise above all else that he asks us to do. Love Him, and love one another.
    If we deliberately seek to do these things (neither of which we are capable of without His living/working/doing thru us - John 15:5), he will faithfully lead us and empower us to do the "good works" he has planned for us.
    He is even so awesome to tell us that he will " work in us to both will and do of his good pleasure". He will do the works in and through us if we will let him.
    He calls us to follow- and he will be responsible for the rest.

    Luv you

  2. Oh Love it Pap!!! So true and what a fabulous addition to this post!! Thank you!

  3. Wow, that definition of "lip service" is so painful...ouch! Jesus help me to be a follower of yours that Follows Through!!!!

    Good stuff Cat! The blog makeover is gorgeous! I LOVE it! And its so YOU!
