I woke up in the middle of the night a couple of weeks ago with the acronym FIT on the brain or "in my spirit" if you will...knowing that God wanted to show me something for each letter. I started asking God...what are you saying, what is this illusive acronym and why are you having me use this anyways?! I really don't want a gimmick...I want YOU God, I want you to speak.
He did. He took me to Ephesians 4:25 where He tells us through the apostle Paul, “Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to his neighbor, for we are all members of one body.”
Whoa, I knew the "F" was "falsehood". Strange maybe, but we must get the revelation, dear ones! We are called to put off the parts of us that are false to find where we FIT! When we are restlessly layering ourselves in performance, aiming to be someone we are not, we are walking in falsehood, and not speaking truth to our neighbor!
Friends, have you ever thought of lying and/or truth-telling this way? Finding where we belong or fit in this world, be it your school, family, work place, even church begins with being YOU.
You see, the world tells us that to fit in, we must be LIKE everyone else... But in the bible, God's holy and everlasting word, oh there is hope for us still! God tells us that in order to fit in, we must be uniquely us, the only one who He created us to be! The pressure is off! We already fit in...to His plan, His tapestry, no performance or pretending necessary!
Did you ever work on puzzles growing up...I mean the ones with actual corner, edge and middle pieces that make a complete picture when finished? I have never been very successful with things such as these, as I cannot sit still and concentrate for long. (Excellent trait for being a superb multi-tasker, not so good for puzzles and knitting.)
Anyhow think of each puzzle piece; everyone is different. Even puzzles constructed by the same manufacturing mold have different pictures applied... each piece has a unique shape, placement, color and pattern.
What would happen if one tiny piece of a 1000 piece puzzle lost it's edge? How much more unique are you than a mass produced, glossed, cut section of cardboard?
Now, consider how your Creator, your Father in heaven, designed you to fit in to the world around you. He fit you in to be unique, but also to make His picture more beautiful...more complete. What impact.
Lord help us put off falsehood and speak truthfully to our neighbor! Holy Spirit how us areas where we are not being authentic to the world around us! Thank you that you designed us to fit specifically in the place you have us at this very moment. We worship you God by being truly us today. In Jesus's name, Amen.